Peak Support Q&A: Marichel Natividad

Peak Support Q&A: Marichel Natividad
Chel joined Peak Support in December of 2016 and is currently an Engagement Manager in the company. Her favorite movie of all time is “Pretty Woman”, and she hopes to be able to watch Dave Matthews Band live in concert one day. What does Chel consider to be her greatest achievement? Her ability to fulfill her role as a mother and wife, while still working on becoming a great leader at work. Juggling all these roles excites her. Chel finds her resiliency to be the best thing about her. Something that a lot of people might not know is that Chel used to sing in church as a child and was a part of the school choir that competed in a regional singing competition. Get to learn more about Chel in this latest edition of the Peak Support Q&A blog.
Give us your top 5 tips for traveling alone.
- Know your budget, plan your itinerary.
- If you can’t pack light, pack smart!
- Learn a few words in the local language.
- Buy travel insurance.
- Take local transit.
- Stay sober. Make it 6!
What topic will you never get tired of talking about?
My days spent at the University of the Philippines – Diliman campus. Because I’m still hoping that I’ll be able to go back sometime in the future and finish what I started. Well, not the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics program. LOL!
If you could create a bespoke cocktail that reflects your personality, what would you call it?
Charming Mojito Sunrise or Sweet Amaretto Dream. I’m neither sweet nor charming, but if cocktail drinks are any indication of my personality type, then go figure.
Who do you run to for emotional support?
My highschool BFFs, sometimes my closest friends at my current/previous job. I don’t really run to friends for advice but rather just a validation of my feelings. Even if they don’t agree with my feelings, these folks often acknowledge and honor them which takes half the worries away temporarily.
What do you think is the greatest enemy of success?
We are our own worst enemy not only when it comes to success, but also as we find our path to happiness and contentment. I am in charge of managing my expectations, doubts, and fears. I get to decide which way to go, which turns to take, re-route or not, flight or fight. I possess the power in forging my definition of success. What comes out as a result, is merely a byproduct of my outlook, perseverance, and choices.
If you were a beauty queen, what would be your advocacy?
Lately, I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries about coral bleaching in the Philippines and Australia, and how it could take a toll on the economy, ecosystems, and food security. Given the chance, I want to advocate for the conservation and protection of our marine life and coral reef ecosystems because the Philippines and a lot of countries depend on the marine ecosystem in more ways than one for survival and economy. We need to create a better place for our children and future generations to come.
Who has never broken their promise to you?
Experience has taught me that promises are meant to be broken. Well, maybe not all of them but I can’t think of any person who hasn’t broken a promise one way or another.
What survival skill do you think you’re really good at?
I had survival skills training as a girl scout and as a Red Cross junior volunteer back in the day. With the right amount of adrenaline, I think I’d be good at foraging for food. Lack of physical strength best explains it.
When was the last time you were really impressed with a product?
When I was younger, I was easily swayed to buy clothing products just based on great advertising. But these days, I get impressed if an article of clothing is ethically manufactured. The Public Rec pieces I own are great not only in terms of quality, but also because I know the company heads visit the partner factories often to ensure manufacturing is done ethically.
What do you think is the biggest misconception about yourself?
That I am an extrovert. The truth is, being around a lot of people for several hours exhausts me physically and emotionally. I may look all jolly and loud when interacting with others, but at the end of the day I feel as though all my reserved energy has been expended. Solitude every now and then is something I enjoy. Also, I have a small group of close friends.
Have you ever had to fake it till you make it?
Yes! I wasn’t really a firm believer in this until Hannah (Peak Support COO) discussed this during the Emerging Leaders Program. In the early days of client check-ins I led, I had to employ this method and it proved to be useful to slowly gain self-confidence and eventually the audience’s trust. To cut the story short, I couldn’t articulate my thoughts well so I had to improvise cue cards for each client check-in.
One important lesson though is that faking isn’t about pretending to be someone you’re not, to a point where you’re not being your authentic self. You’ve got to change the way you think and behave first before the feelings could follow.
If you could give up one thing for the rest of your life and not regret it, what would it be?
Anything material, I can give up. There are things that I hold on to for sentimental reasons but at my age, material things are irrelevant. If I lose something that somehow matters, I am confident I can work my butt off to get a new one – V2.0.
What’s the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced?
My last C-section (3 of 3). Recovery was fast for the first two deliveries, but the third one was a struggle. I was on pain medication for two weeks. The doctor said to blame it on growing old.
Who or what do you think were you in your previous life?
Couldn’t think of any, so I took an online quiz. It said that I was Emily Dickinson in my past life. Having the heart of a true poet isn’t that bad. Maybe I’m meant for artistic ingenuity.
What long term plan of yours is just non-negotiable?
Saving up for retirement. I don’t want to burden my kids as I age, like the way society expects children to be responsible to care for the elderly.
Check out our other previous Q&As below:
Peak Support Q&A: Hannah Steiman
Peak Support Q&A: Carlos Cornista
Peak Support Q&A: Francis Eronico
Peak Support Q&A: Raezalaine Tayag
Peak Support Q&A: Bryan Rosario
Peak Support Q&A: Patrick Pilares
Peak Support Q&A: Honey Faith Belnas
Peak Support Q&A: Jonathan Steiman
Peak Support Q&A: Hazel Abijay
Peak Support Q&A: Kevin Calatrava
Peak Support Q&A: Leizl Joy Yee
Peak Support Q&A: Jan Merrick Lazaro
Peak Support Q&A: Kathleen Egger
Peak Support Q&A: George Tillotson
Peak Support Q&A: Mark Pabriaga
Peak Support Q&A: Mimi Abelarde
Illustration by Rhea Avanceña

Written By:
Adrian Estrella
Aidz is a Sales and Marketing Associate who has been with Peak Support since October of 2016. When Aidz isn’t busy taking care of the company’s social media pages, you can find them juggling other tasks in the company. From copywriting to lead generation, whatever it is that accounts need, they will do it. Aidz is also in-charge of Peak Support’s Q&A blog – a blog that allows other team members and site visitors to get to know featured Peak Support agents even more. Aidz is a big fan of bacon and butter.