Peak Support Q&A: Marlou Abalona

Peak Support Q&A: Marlou Abalona
Marlou or Marl, loves the calming sound of the rain as it helps him become more productive when he’s doing something important. As a bookworm, his Amazon Kindle is his best gift ever to himself. Although Marl isn’t a good cook, he’s blessed to have an amazing wife who prepares him delicious meals. He hopes to finish decorating their future home in the next five years. Marl enjoys his role as a business analyst because it lets him solve problems and give recommendations to maximize efficiency. He first heard about Peak Support when he was just fresh out of college, and he has been with the company ever since. Did you know that he is fond of smelling fragrant scents? Yes he is! That’s why he buys car and air fresheners whenever he can. Get to know Marlou better by reading this month’s Q&A blog.
What’s the one place in your hometown that people should visit?
There’s this place that I usually go to because of its awesome views, it’s called Café Gip. It’s a café on the upper slopes of Bacolod, and you can easily get there in a car.
When was the last time somebody asked you how you’re doing?
My wife always checks up on me whenever I am stressed or down, and part of my current and future successes can be attributed to my wife’s support for me.
Where would you go right now if you could teleport?
The first place I would teleport to is probably anywhere in Europe. I’m a football fan and the best place for it is in Europe. It is packed with world-class football teams, and I would be very happy to see them live in action during my lifetime.
Which fictional character do you want to become best friends with?
Batman. He could kick my enemies’ butts and at the same time lend me money whenever I need a loan. ROFL! Another reason I’d like for him to be my best friend, is that he has the intellect and skills to solve anything with justice, even without superpowers.
My 3rd-grade teacher would describe me as _____.
A shy and timid kid. Back then, I usually preferred not to hang out with a lot of people and just read books in the library by myself.
How proud are you of the person you’ve become?
I’m proud of who I am right now and of the things I will accomplish in the future. You need that kind of positivity and outlook in life in order to have the drive to achieve your goals.
If a third eye was offered to you, would you take it?
Nope! I don’t want to see any kind of supernatural beings in my life. I’d rather see and focus on the real things I have right now, and see how I can improve myself every day.
Why do you think rules are often broken?
Rules are good if they create structure and provide direction. Otherwise, they are oppressive. If a rule is unfair then it should be broken if necessary, to live in harmony. But to say that rules are meant to be broken, it shows a lack of judgement and exhibits a desire for notoriety.
Would you like to become the first person to live on Mars?
I’d rather live on Earth. Mars for me is already a dead planet with a barren atmosphere that is unsuitable for any human to survive – even with the best technologies.
What’s something that makes you mad?
When I see educated people act uneducated. One common example of this are people inside their cars who just throw their trash out their windows. Every person should at least learn good manners and have common sense towards everything in life.
When was the last time you bathed in the rain?
I was probably in elementary school. I’ve never bathed in the rain again because the last time I did it, a tree near me got hit by lightning. That experience traumatized me.
Are you a better listener or talker?
I can honestly say that I’m a great listener. I like to listen to people’s stories and just let them express how they’re feeling, that way, I can give them a concise response and the best advice.
What’s the one thing you will never regret doing?
Reading books and making my own summary for each one. I can say that it indeed slows down your reading rate when you try to really digest a book’s content, but I feel that it’s worth it.
Where would you hide during an alien invasion?
I think the best place to hide during an alien invasion is in a cave on a mountain. Historians have said that our ancestors survived through many conditions in caves, hence why most of their bones were dug up in caves.
If you had all the money in the world, what’s the first expensive thing you’ll buy?
I’d probably buy myself a big piece of land in Switzerland as an investment. I could sell it off piece by piece If I needed more money in the future.
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Illustration by Cloyd Villarubia

Written By:
Adrian Estrella
Aidz is a Sales and Marketing Associate who has been with Peak Support since October of 2016. When Aidz isn’t busy taking care of the company’s social media pages, you can find them juggling other tasks in the company. From copywriting to lead generation, whatever it is that accounts need, they will do it. Aidz is also in-charge of Peak Support’s Q&A blog – a blog that allows other team members and site visitors to get to know featured Peak Support agents even more. Aidz is a big fan of bacon and butter.