Peak Support Q&A: Roland Allan Papa

Peak Support Q&A: Roland Allan Papa
Lan is a Senior Quality Assurance Lead at Peak Support. His dream is to visit Japan someday and experience its open-air onsen (hot spring), as well as taste authentic Japanese ramen, Kobe and Wagyu beef, and sushi. He would also like to learn more about the country’s rich history and iconic figures such as samurais, ninjas, and emperors. Lan is a big Keanu Reeves fan and has watched a lot of the actor’s highly rated films such as The Matrix Trilogy, Speed 1 & 2, Devil’s Advocate, and John Wick. Did you know that Lan wanted to become a musician at one point in his life? He’s not sure about his singing, but Lan is more than willing to put more effort into learning how to play the piano and guitar. Read the August installment of the Peak Support Q&A blog now to learn more about Lan.
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought with your own money?
The most expensive thing that I bought with my own money is my laptop. I had always wanted to upgrade my device for quite some time and it just so happened that I also needed something portable and reliable to do my work.
Name something that you were fond of when you were in high school.
Back in high school, I was fond of playing chess. I was also, and still am fond of playing the guitar.
If you were to study culinary arts anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I would love to learn culinary arts from Japan. I just love how meticulous they are with their food preparation and presentation.
Give us your top 5 tips for preparing natural disasters.
- Procure all the essentials (food, water, first-aid kits, documents).
- Store them in a safe and easily accessible area/spot.
- Watch/read current news or events to know more details. (Safe/evacuation area, live status, announcements)
- Create plans on how to go to the evacuation area (means of transportation, other alternatives, ease of access)
- Make sure that you have the means to communicate with your loved ones/family (data, load [mobile credits], battery, charger, and phone).
Are you willing to give up your privacy for fame?
No. I’m a very private person. I would prefer to have the freedom to do anything that I want without having to worry about what others may think or see.
Which computer game from when you were younger, do you miss the most?
It would have to be the MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) titled “Forsaken World”. This is where I found and met the love of my life.
Who has always cheered you on no matter what?
My mother. Although she may disagree with some of my life decisions, she has always supported and respected my choices.
What is your favorite number and what’s the significance behind it?
That would be number 23. Just because that’s my birthday and well, Michael Jordan’s jersey number.
If your heart were a place, what would it look like?
I think the best description would be happy and fun since I love being happy and doing fun stuff.
Why are so many people afraid of the dark?
I think it’s not the darkness they fear, but the loneliness attached to it. Most people associate the dark with loneliness as they can’t see anything.
When was the last time you corrected someone?
I can’t say that I corrected them, but it was more of I helped them realize how they could do things differently.
Do you enjoy attending family gatherings?
Always! I love hanging out with my family and relatives.
What’s something that you want to have, but can’t afford to buy just yet?
That would be a house and lot. I want to have that security and comfort that comes with owning a home – for my future family.
If you could teleport to a different planet, where would it be?
I can’t think of any other planet that I would want to be on. For me, Earth is home, and there’s no other place like home.
What’s the best financial advice you can give to someone?
Whenever you’re out to buy something, decide if it’s a “want” or a “need”. How much do you “want” or “need” it? Is it something that you can live with or without? Will it make your life easier? What will likely happen if you wait another day, week, or month before buying it? These simple questions can really help you make the right decisions when it comes to your purchases.
Check out our other previous Q&As below:
Peak Support Q&A: Marichel Natividad
Peak Support Q&A: Hannah Steiman
Peak Support Q&A: Carlos Cornista
Peak Support Q&A: Francis Eronico
Peak Support Q&A: Raezalaine Tayag
Peak Support Q&A: Bryan Rosario
Peak Support Q&A: Patrick Pilares
Peak Support Q&A: Honey Faith Belnas
Peak Support Q&A: Jonathan Steiman
Peak Support Q&A: Hazel Abijay
Peak Support Q&A: Kevin Calatrava
Peak Support Q&A: Leizl Joy Yee
Peak Support Q&A: Jan Merrick Lazaro
Peak Support Q&A: Kathleen Egger
Peak Support Q&A: George Tillotson
Peak Support Q&A: Mark Pabriaga
Peak Support Q&A: Mimi Abelarde
Illustration by Rhea Avanceña

Written By:
Adrian Estrella
Aidz is a Sales and Marketing Associate who has been with Peak Support since October of 2016. When Aidz isn’t busy taking care of the company’s social media pages, you can find them juggling other tasks in the company. From copywriting to lead generation, whatever it is that accounts need, they will do it. Aidz is also in-charge of Peak Support’s Q&A blog – a blog that allows other team members and site visitors to get to know featured Peak Support agents even more. Aidz is a big fan of bacon and butter.