Peak Support Q&A: Trixie Martirez
Trixie is a Senior Manager for our Service Delivery Team. She enjoys reading books, and her favorite authors are Dan Brown and Rick Riordan. Her favorite color is pink. Trixie doesn’t believe in regrets because she believes everything happens for a reason. It doesn’t take much to know if she’s in a bad mood as Trixie doesn’t hide it. You will see it in her face and hear it in her voice. Trixie listens to different types of music depending on her mood. She has moments where she listens to acapella songs from Pentatonix, Voctave, and VoicePlay. Other times she listens to Korean music. What’s her pet peeve? The thumbs up emoji on Messenger as a reply. She thinks that a response like that requires the least amount of effort and that everyone can do better. Get to know Trixie better by reading our latest Q&A blog now.
What question do you still not have the answer to?
“What is something that is unique to me?” This question has been a part of our Intro sessions with Al (Director). I struggle with this question. I’m sure there’s an answer to this, but I haven’t realized or discovered it yet.
Do you set high standards for yourself and others?
I do. People closest to me and some of the people I work with might say that I’m a perfectionist, which also applies to myself. It’s one of the things that I’ve changed/still trying to change. Having high standards is important, but being compassionate and empathetic is just as important.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how scared are you of ghosts?
I’ll say 7. It used to be 10 when I was young. 7 because I’m still afraid of being alone in a dark place. I can now tolerate and even enjoy watching horror films alone knowing that they are just works of fiction.
Which do you prefer: board games or video games?
Video Games. I used to spend a lot of hours playing DOTA 2 and Pokémon. I’ve always wanted to buy myself a Nintendo Switch so I can keep up with my Pokémon adventure. I still haven’t bought it because I’m afraid that I might not be able to spend much time on it.
Name 5 apps on your phone that you use the most.
- Messenger – I almost don’t text anymore, majority of my communications happen here.
- Moon+ Reader – Out of all the eBook apps I tried, this is the one I love the most.
- Spotify – Aside from playing music, I also enjoy listening to podcasts.
- TikTok – I like that the content in the platform has become so wide that aside from the funny reels, I also see some educational content and even current affairs.
- Mobile Legends – I try to find time to play this as it is one of the ways my sister and I bond.
What’s the most romantic thing you’ve done for love?
The second most romantic thing is making the first move toward my now husband. Taking the first place is admitting to that fact in public. I know that this is still something that may still be frowned upon in our culture, but it’s something that I don’t regret doing.
Do you enjoy online shopping?
There was a time when I enjoyed it because of the convenience it offered. Now, I just do it when necessary, or if I want to take advantage of discounts, or if it’s really something that I can’t buy in a physical store. This change of heart is due to what some people might consider a lousy reason. That reason is, I hate it when a delivery rider will call me in the middle of the day when I’m usually asleep. I love sleeping and during workdays, I can only do that in the morning so I try to avoid any factors that might disturb me from my deep slumber. (Sorry hardworking delivery riders, it’s not you, it’s me.)
Have you ever had a fear become a reality?
My greatest fear during the pandemic was catching the virus. That became a reality for my me and my husband. What’s worse is we even passed it on to my grandmother. I wasn’t really concerned about myself. However, my grandmother and husband both have comorbidities and I really feared what could happen to them. Thankfully, we were all able to beat it.
What makes you nervous?
Big stray dogs. To this day, I still have moments where I have to go back home or find an alternate route when I see dogs in my path. I don’t dislike dogs, I’m just really afraid of some. Thinking back, it may be because I still clearly remember that time when I was chased by one.
The one thing that’s missing in my life right now is _____.
A baby. It’s something that my husband and I have been praying and waiting for. I’m very blessed in a lot of aspects of my life so I’ll say that this is probably all I’m wishing for at the moment.
Who would you dedicate your autobiography to?
My future kids. I wish to be able to provide an amazing life for them. I have a lot of life experiences that my future children can probably learn from them when they read about them in my autobiography.
How good of a swimmer are you?
I can hold my breath underwater for a few seconds and do some floating and freestyle swimming, but nothing close to a professional swimmer. I think I’m at a level where I won’t drown if I ever accidentally get pushed into a 7ft pool, but not good enough to save someone from drowning.
What is something that you always geek out over?
The Big Bang Theory. From the actual TV show to fanfiction, I can talk about it endlessly. I lost count of how many times I have finished the whole series. To this day, I still enjoy watching it and I watch it every day too. Whenever I meet people who are also fans of the show, I feel very happy and I can already feel some sort of attachment to them.
Where’s the one place you dare not to go to?
Any place that is cramped and dark that will make me feel claustrophobic. Also, a place with a lot of dogs roaming freely. (See question 9 for reference.)
What’s the one thing in the world today that you wish you can change?
The existence of mental health issues. This is a topic that I learned more about during the pandemic. I may not have a very deep sense of understanding of it, but with the things that I have learned so far, I really feel bad that some people have to go through it. Whenever I hear or read about stories of people suffering silently, kids with special needs, etc, I really wish that there’s a way to make it disappear in an instant.
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Illustration by Justin Teh

Written By:
Adrian Estrella
Aidz is a Sales and Marketing Associate who has been with Peak Support since October of 2016. When Aidz isn’t busy taking care of the company’s social media pages, you can find them juggling other tasks in the company. From copywriting to lead generation, whatever it is that accounts need, they will do it. Aidz is also in-charge of Peak Support’s Q&A blog – a blog that allows other team members and site visitors to get to know featured Peak Support agents even more. Aidz is a big fan of bacon and butter.