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One of our core values is Commitment to Team. We strive to create a workplace where our team members are respected, feel fairly compensated, and have opportunities to grow. And every year, we survey our team members to test how we’re doing. We ask about overall satisfaction, training, growth opportunities, and much more.
Since the first survey in 2015, we’ve more than tripled in size – we had 33 respondents in 2015 and 95 in 2018. The numbers have never changed dramatically, and our scores continue to be high. But we pay attention even to small changes, because we know that it’s challenging to maintain a company culture through a period of rapid growth.
We survey our team members in five areas.
1. What is our team members’ overall satisfaction?
First, we ask about overall satisfaction. This number has fallen slightly as we have grown, but still tops 90%.
2. Do our team members feel respected?
Then we get into more specific factors that impact job satisfaction.
We want team members to feel that they are respected by our clients, and by the leaders at Peak Support. And we want them to feel that their ideas and opinions count – because they do. This survey is just one of the ways we try to get feedback from team members – and incorporate that feedback into our work. In these areas, our scores continue to be very high.
3. Do team members feel like their work matters?
We also want to know if they feel like their work matters, not just to Peak Support, but to our clients, and even the world at large. We have the opportunity to serve some of the most innovative growth companies on the planet! By helping our clients, our team members are making a real difference. We emphasize this every chance we get, and we want to make sure that message isn’t getting lost.
We also ask if they have friends at work. Studies show that people are far more likely to be satisfied with their jobs if they work with friends. Though most of our team members work remotely, we strive to create an environment where all of us can build real, lasting relationships. Almost half of respondents chose 10 for this question and nearly everyone chose at least 8.
4. Do team members have opportunities for advancement?
Finally, we ask about the quality of training, opportunities for advancement, and compensation. These numbers are also high, but could be higher. We have invested in improving in all of these areas and will continue to invest in 2019.
Finally, we take all of this data and turn it into an overall engagement score. On average, when taking into account all of these factors, our team members rate their experience at about a 9.3/10:
Our success hinges on our team members. That means we need to ensure our team members come to work feeling great about their jobs, about Peak Support, and about the work they do every day for our clients. We’ll never be satisfied with the results of this survey, as we will always have areas to improve. After all, another of our core values is Continuous Improvement. So here’s to #ContinuousImprovement in 2019!