5 Ways to Use Your Customer Support Team to Drive Revenue
Learn how to use your customer support team to positively impact retention, expansion, upgrades, and referrals, and drive revenue growth for your business.

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3 Great Examples of Incredible Social Media Customer Service
Three outstanding instances of brands delivering exceptional customer service through social media platforms, highlighting the importance of personalized and timely interactions in building customer loyalty.

Peak Support Q&A: Jan Merrick Lazaro
Peak Support Monthly Q&A provides insights into Jan Merrick Lazaro’s personal interests, achievements, and experiences, showcasing his role as Senior Director of Shared Services at Peak Support.

How to Build a Strong Company Culture With a Remote Team
Valuable insights and practical tips on fostering a positive and cohesive company culture in a remote work environment, emphasizing the importance of communication, trust, and shared values.

The Best Social Media Customer Service Tools
Detailed analysis of top-notch tools that businesses can leverage to effectively manage and enhance their customer service efforts on social media platforms.

Peak Support Q&A: Kathleen Egger
Peak Support Monthly Q&A provides insights into Kathleen Egger’s personal interests, achievements, and experiences, showcasing her role as a Team Lead at Peak Support.

6 Easy Steps to Scale Your Customer Support Team
Guide with six straightforward steps to help businesses efficiently expand and grow their customer support team to meet increasing demands and ensure exceptional customer service.

Does Live Chat Increase Sales? The Do’s And Don’ts
The impact of live chat on sales conversion rates, offering valuable insights on best practices and common pitfalls to help businesses effectively leverage live chat as a sales tool.

How To Handle Negative Customer Feedback on Facebook: 5 Best Ways
Tips for businesses to effectively manage and address negative customer feedback on Facebook, ensuring a positive and constructive customer experience.

What is Omnichannel Customer Service and How Can You Provide It?
Understand the concept of omnichannel customer service and learn practical advice on how businesses can implement a seamless and integrated customer service experience across multiple channels to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.